Unity Adaugă inamici la un platformer 2D

Crearea unui platformer în Unity este relativ ușoară, dar adăugarea de inamici funcționali poate să nu fie la fel de simplă.

În această postare, voi arăta cum să creezi un joc platformer 2D cu un AI inamic.

În general, în 2D platformers, jucătorul poate merge doar în față/în spate, poate sări și, în unele cazuri, poate urca/coborî pe scară, dacă harta are mai multe niveluri. Știind că am putea folosi o abordare modulară în care același controler este împărțit între jucător și AI.

Pasul 1: Creați scripturile

Să începem prin a crea toate scripturile necesare. Verificați codul sursă de mai jos:


//Copyright @2018 sharpcoderblog.com
//You are free to use this script in free or commercial projects
//Selling the source code of this script is not allowed

using UnityEngine;

public class Ladder2D : MonoBehaviour
    Collider2D ladderCollider;
    public Vector3 boundsCenter;

    void Start()
        //t = transform;
        ladderCollider = GetComponent<Collider2D>();
        if (ladderCollider)
            ladderCollider.isTrigger = true;
            ladderCollider.gameObject.layer = 2; //Set ladder collider layer to IgnoreRaycast

    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
        if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
            if (ladderCollider)
                boundsCenter = ladderCollider.bounds.center;
            other.SendMessage("AssignLadder", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

    void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)
        if (other.CompareTag("Player"))
            other.SendMessage("RemoveLadder", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);


//Copyright @2018 sharpcoderblog.com
//You are free to use this script in free or commercial projects
//Selling the source code of this script is not allowed

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerController2D : MonoBehaviour
    //Move player in 2D space
    public float maxSpeed = 2.57f;
    public float jumpHeight = 6.47f;
    public float playerHP = 100;

    public bool facingRight = true;
    public float moveDirection = 0;
    public Rigidbody2D r2d;
    public Collider2D mainCollider;
    public Vector2 playerDimensions;
    public bool isGrounded = false;
    //Check every collider except Player and Ignore Raycast
    LayerMask layerMask = ~(1 << 2 | 1 << 8); //Make sure our player has Layer 8

    public Ladder2D currentLadder;
    List<Ladder2D> allLadders = new List<Ladder2D>();
    float moveDirectionY = 0;
    float distanceFromLadder;
    public bool isAttachedToLadder = false;
    bool ladderGoingDown = false;
    //bool isMovingOnLadder = false;
    public bool canGoDownOnLadder = false;
    public bool canClimbLadder = false;

    //Bot movement directions
    public bool isBot = false;
    public float botMovement = 0;
    public float botVerticalMovement = 0;
    public bool botJump = false;
    public Transform t;
    public int selectedWeaponTmp = 0;

    float gravityScale;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        r2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
        r2d.freezeRotation = true;
        mainCollider = GetComponent<Collider2D>();
        t = transform;

        gravityScale = r2d.gravityScale;
        selectedWeaponTmp = -100;

        facingRight = t.localScale.x > 0;

        //sr = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
        playerDimensions = BotController2D.ColliderDimensions(GetComponent<Collider2D>());

    void OnDisable()
        r2d.bodyType = RigidbodyType2D.Static;
        r2d.velocity = Vector3.zero;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!isBot)
            if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) &&
                (isGrounded || r2d.velocity.x > 0.01f || isAttachedToLadder))
                moveDirection = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) ? -1 : 1;
                if (isGrounded || r2d.velocity.magnitude < 0.01f)
                    moveDirection = 0;
            if (botMovement != 0 && (isGrounded || r2d.velocity.x > 0.01f))
                moveDirection = botMovement < 0 ? -1 : 1;
                if (isGrounded || r2d.velocity.magnitude < 0.01f)
                    moveDirection = 0;

        //Change facing position
        if (moveDirection != 0)
            if (moveDirection > 0 && !facingRight)
                facingRight = true;
            if (moveDirection < 0 && facingRight)
                facingRight = false;

        if (facingRight)
            if (t.localScale.x < 0)
                t.localScale = new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(t.localScale.x), t.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);
            if (t.localScale.x > 0)
                t.localScale = new Vector3(-Mathf.Abs(t.localScale.x), t.localScale.y, t.localScale.z);

        //Vector2 velocityTmp = r2d.velocity;
        bool canGoDownTmp = false;

        if (currentLadder)
            distanceFromLadder = Mathf.Abs(currentLadder.boundsCenter.x - t.position.x);
            canClimbLadder = distanceFromLadder < 0.34f;
            if (!isAttachedToLadder)
                if (canClimbLadder)
                    if (currentLadder.boundsCenter.y > t.position.y)
                        if (!isBot)
                            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
                                isAttachedToLadder = true;
                            if (botVerticalMovement > 0)
                                isAttachedToLadder = true;
                    if (currentLadder.boundsCenter.y < t.position.y)
                        if (!isBot)
                            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
                                isAttachedToLadder = true;
                            if (botVerticalMovement < 0)
                                isAttachedToLadder = true;

                        canGoDownTmp = true;

                if (isAttachedToLadder)
                    r2d.gravityScale = 0;
                    moveDirection = 0;
                    moveDirectionY = 0;
                //Make our collider trigger if we stand on top of the ladder (To prevent collision with the ground while going down)
                mainCollider.isTrigger = currentLadder.boundsCenter.y < t.position.y; 

                //Ladder movement
                if ((!isBot && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) || (isBot && botVerticalMovement > 0))
                    moveDirectionY = 3.97f;
                    ladderGoingDown = false;
                    //For sound controller
                    //isMovingOnLadder = true;
                else if ((!isBot && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) || (isBot && botVerticalMovement < 0))
                    moveDirectionY = -3.97f;
                    ladderGoingDown = true;
                    if (!mainCollider.isTrigger && isGrounded)
                        isAttachedToLadder = false;
                        mainCollider.isTrigger = false;
                        r2d.gravityScale = gravityScale;
                        moveDirectionY = 0;
                    //For sound controller
                    //isMovingOnLadder = true;
                    //isMovingOnLadder = false;
                    moveDirectionY = 0;

            if (distanceFromLadder > playerDimensions.x * 2)
        canGoDownOnLadder = canGoDownTmp;

        if (!isBot)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
            if (botJump)
                botJump = false;

        if (!isBot)
            //Weapon firing
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftControl))

    void FixedUpdate()
        Bounds colliderBounds = mainCollider.bounds;
        Vector3 groundCheckPos = colliderBounds.min + new Vector3(colliderBounds.size.x * 0.5f, 0.1f, 0);
        //Check if player is grounded
        isGrounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheckPos, 0.25f, layerMask);

        Debug.DrawLine(groundCheckPos, groundCheckPos - new Vector3(0, 0.25f, 0), isGrounded ? Color.green : Color.red);

        //Apply player velocity
        r2d.velocity = new Vector2((moveDirection) * maxSpeed, isAttachedToLadder ? moveDirectionY : r2d.velocity.y);

    void AssignLadder(Ladder2D ladderTmp)
        currentLadder = ladderTmp;

    void RemoveLadder(Ladder2D ladderTmp)
        //print("On trigger out");
        if (currentLadder == ladderTmp)
            currentLadder = null;

            if (allLadders.Count > 0)
                currentLadder = allLadders[allLadders.Count - 1];

        if (isAttachedToLadder && !currentLadder)
            isAttachedToLadder = false;
            //r2d.bodyType = RigidbodyType2D.Dynamic;
            mainCollider.isTrigger = false;

            r2d.gravityScale = gravityScale;
            r2d.velocity = Vector3.zero;

            if (!ladderGoingDown)
                r2d.velocity = new Vector2(r2d.velocity.x, 1.47f);
            ladderGoingDown = false;

    public void Jump()
        if (isGrounded && !isAttachedToLadder)
            r2d.velocity = new Vector2(r2d.velocity.x, jumpHeight);
            //Tip: Play jump sound here

    public void Attack()
        print(gameObject.name + " is Attacking");

        //Tip: Write your attack function here (ex. Raycast toward the enemy to inflict the damage)


//Copyright @2018 sharpcoderblog.com
//You are free to use this script in free or commercial projects
//Selling the source code of this script is not allowed

using UnityEngine;

public class CameraFollow2D : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform target;
    public Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, 2.8f, 0);
    public bool smoothFollow = true;

    Vector2 moveToPos;
    bool beginMove = false;
    float distanceTmp = 0f;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void LateUpdate()
        if (!target)

        if (smoothFollow)
            distanceTmp = ((target.position + offset) - transform.position).sqrMagnitude;
            if (beginMove)
                moveToPos = Vector3.Lerp(moveToPos, target.position + offset, Time.fixedDeltaTime * 7.75f);
                transform.position = new Vector3(moveToPos.x, moveToPos.y, -10);

                if (distanceTmp < 0.05f * 0.05f)
                    beginMove = false;
                if (distanceTmp > 0.5f * 0.5f)
                    beginMove = true;
            transform.position = new Vector3(target.position.x, target.position.y, -10);


    void StopFollowing()
        beginMove = false;


//Copyright @2018 sharpcoderblog.com
//You are free to use this script in free or commercial projects
//Selling the source code of this script is not allowed

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class BotController2D : MonoBehaviour
    //This script will handle bot control
    public enum BotType { Enemy, Friendly }
    public BotType botType = BotType.Enemy;
    public enum BotDifficulty { Easy, Medium, Hard }
    public BotDifficulty botDifficulty = BotDifficulty.Medium;
    public enum InitialState { Idle, Explore }
    public InitialState initialState = InitialState.Idle; //Should the Bot stand in place until approached or begin exploring the level right away
    public bool canJump = true; //Can this bot jump?

    public enum CurrentState { Idle, MovingLeft, MovingRight, GoinUPLadder, GoingDownLadder, Attack }
    CurrentState currentState;
    InitialState appliedState;
    PlayerController2D pc2d;
    RaycastHit2D hitLeft;
    RaycastHit2D hitRight;
    RaycastHit2D groundHit;
    Vector3 leftOrigin;
    Vector3 rightOrigin;
    float distanceLeft = -1;
    float distanceRight = -1;

    int encounteredLadders = 0;
    int encounteredLaddersCacche = 0;
    Ladder2D previousLadder;
    Ladder2D lastAttachedLadder;
    bool previousCanGoDownOnLadder = false;
    bool previousCanClimbLadder = false;

    //Everything except "Player" and "IgnoreRaycast" layers
    LayerMask layerMask = ~(1 << 2 | 1 << 8);
    //Only "Player" layer
    LayerMask playerLayerMask = 1 << 8;

    float timeMotionless = 0.0f;
    bool statePause = false;

    float trVelocity;
    Vector3 previousPos;

    Collider2D[] detectedPlayers = new Collider2D[0];
    Collider2D[] previousDetectedPlayers = new Collider2D[0];
    PlayerController2D enemyToFollow;
    int followPriority = 0; //0 = Easy, 1 = Medium (This player inflicted the damage)

    public Transform t;

    bool checkingTotalEnemies = false;
    bool runAway = false;

    int attackingFromLeft = 0;
    int attackingFromRight = 0;

    //Limit attack rate for easy bots
    float attackTimer = 0;
    float nextAttackTime = 0;

    Camera mainCamera;
    float cameraWidth; //Horizontal size of camera view

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        pc2d = GetComponent<PlayerController2D>();
        pc2d.isBot = true;
        t = transform;
        appliedState = initialState;

        if (Random.Range(-10, 10) > 0)
            StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));

    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        //Draw rays back and forth

        if (!mainCamera)
            mainCamera = Camera.main;
            cameraWidth = mainCamera.aspect * mainCamera.orthographicSize;

        rightOrigin = t.position + t.right * (pc2d.playerDimensions.x / 2f);
        hitRight = Physics2D.Raycast(rightOrigin, t.right, cameraWidth, layerMask);
        if (hitRight)
            Debug.DrawLine(rightOrigin, hitRight.point, Color.red);
            distanceRight = hitRight.distance;
            Debug.DrawLine(rightOrigin, rightOrigin + t.right * cameraWidth, Color.cyan);
            distanceRight = -1;

        leftOrigin = t.position - t.right * (pc2d.playerDimensions.x / 2f);
        hitLeft = Physics2D.Raycast(leftOrigin, -t.right, cameraWidth, layerMask);
        if (hitLeft)
            Debug.DrawLine(leftOrigin, hitLeft.point, Color.red);
            distanceLeft = hitLeft.distance;
            Debug.DrawLine(leftOrigin, leftOrigin - t.right * cameraWidth, Color.cyan);
            distanceLeft = -1;

        if (appliedState == InitialState.Explore)
            if (currentState == CurrentState.Idle)
                if (!statePause)
                    //Decide which direction to move
                    if (distanceRight == -1 && distanceLeft == -1)
                        //Decide random direaction
                        currentState = Random.Range(-10, 10) > 0 ? CurrentState.MovingRight : CurrentState.MovingLeft;
                    else if (distanceRight == -1 && distanceLeft >= 0)
                        currentState = CurrentState.MovingRight;
                    else if (distanceRight >= 0 && distanceLeft == -1)
                        currentState = CurrentState.MovingLeft;
                    else if (distanceRight > distanceLeft)
                        currentState = CurrentState.MovingRight;
                    else if (distanceRight < distanceLeft)
                        currentState = CurrentState.MovingLeft;
            else if (currentState == CurrentState.MovingLeft)
                if (!statePause && pc2d.isGrounded)
                    pc2d.botMovement = -1;
                    float jumpHeightTmp = pc2d.jumpHeight * 0.25f;

                    if (distanceLeft > 0 && distanceLeft < pc2d.playerDimensions.x)
                        if (hitLeft && canJump &&
                            !Physics2D.Linecast(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) - t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, layerMask) &&
                            Random.Range(-2, 10) > 0
                            if (!enemyToFollow)
                                StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));

                    /*if(!Physics2D.Linecast(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) - t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2)){
                        Debug.DrawLine(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) - t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, Color.yellow);
                        Debug.DrawLine(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) - t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, Color.red);

                    //Jump if there is no groun in front
                    groundHit = Physics2D.Raycast(leftOrigin, -t.up, pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2.1f, layerMask);
                    if (groundHit)
                        Debug.DrawLine(leftOrigin, groundHit.point, Color.red);
                        Debug.DrawLine(leftOrigin, leftOrigin - t.up * (pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2.1f), Color.blue);
                        if (canJump)
                            //StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.MovingRight, true));
                            StartCoroutine(CheckEnemiesEnumerator(1, 0, false));
            else if (currentState == CurrentState.MovingRight)
                if (!statePause && pc2d.isGrounded)
                    pc2d.botMovement = 1;
                    float jumpHeightTmp = pc2d.jumpHeight * 0.25f;

                    if (distanceRight > 0 && distanceRight < pc2d.playerDimensions.x)
                        if (hitRight && canJump &&
                            !Physics2D.Linecast(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) + t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, layerMask) &&
                            Random.Range(-2, 10) > 0
                            if (!enemyToFollow)
                                StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));

                    /*if (!Physics2D.Linecast(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) + t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2))
                        Debug.DrawLine(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) + t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, Color.yellow);
                        Debug.DrawLine(t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp, (t.position + t.up * jumpHeightTmp) + t.right * pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 2, Color.red);

                    //Jump if there is no groun in front
                    groundHit = Physics2D.Raycast(rightOrigin, -t.up, pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2.1f, layerMask);
                    if (groundHit)
                        Debug.DrawLine(rightOrigin, groundHit.point, Color.red);
                        Debug.DrawLine(rightOrigin, rightOrigin - t.up * (pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2.1f), Color.blue);
                        if (canJump)
                            //StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.MovingLeft, true));
                            StartCoroutine(CheckEnemiesEnumerator(0, 1, false));
            else if (currentState == CurrentState.GoinUPLadder)
                if (!statePause)
                    pc2d.botVerticalMovement = 1;
                    if (!pc2d.currentLadder)
                        StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));
            else if (currentState == CurrentState.GoingDownLadder)
                if (!statePause)
                    pc2d.botVerticalMovement = -1;
                    if (!pc2d.currentLadder)
                        StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));
            else if (currentState == CurrentState.Attack)
                if (!statePause)
                    if (!enemyToFollow)
                        StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));
                        //Firing weapon
                        if (attackTimer >= nextAttackTime)
                            //Check if player is above us and jump
                            if (enemyToFollow.t.position.y > t.position.y && enemyToFollow.t.position.y - t.position.y > pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 0.95f)
                                if (Random.Range(-5, 10) > 0)


                            if (botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Easy)
                                attackTimer = 0;
                                nextAttackTime = Random.Range(0.25f, 0.95f);
                            if (botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Medium)
                                attackTimer = 0;
                                nextAttackTime = Random.Range(0.01f, 0.37f);
                            if (botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Hard)
                                attackTimer = 0;
                                nextAttackTime = Random.Range(0.01f, 0.24f);
                            attackTimer += Time.deltaTime;

                        if (enemyToFollow && !checkingTotalEnemies)
                            if (enemyToFollow.t.position.x > t.position.x && !pc2d.facingRight)
                                pc2d.facingRight = true;
                            if (enemyToFollow.t.position.x < t.position.x && pc2d.facingRight)
                                pc2d.facingRight = false;

                            attackingFromLeft = 0;
                            attackingFromRight = 0;

                            //Check if there too many player attacking us and run away
                            for (int i = 0; i < detectedPlayers.Length; i++)
                                if (detectedPlayers[i])
                                    BotController2D bcTmp = detectedPlayers[i].GetComponent<BotController2D>();
                                    if (bcTmp && bcTmp.botType != botType && bcTmp.enemyToFollow == pc2d && bcTmp.currentState == CurrentState.Attack)
                                        if (bcTmp.t.position.x > t.position.x)

                            //If the value playerHP from PlayerController2D get too low, and the bot is being attacked, increase the probability to run away
                            if (attackingFromRight >= 2 || attackingFromLeft >= 2 || (pc2d.playerHP < 70 && botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Hard && (attackingFromRight > 0 || attackingFromLeft > 0)) || (pc2d.playerHP < 40 && botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Medium && (attackingFromRight > 0 || attackingFromLeft > 0)))
                                StartCoroutine(CheckEnemiesEnumerator(attackingFromLeft, attackingFromRight, false));

        if (pc2d.currentLadder && (previousLadder != pc2d.currentLadder || previousCanGoDownOnLadder != pc2d.canGoDownOnLadder || previousCanClimbLadder != pc2d.canClimbLadder))
            previousLadder = pc2d.currentLadder;
            previousCanGoDownOnLadder = pc2d.canGoDownOnLadder;
            previousCanClimbLadder = pc2d.canClimbLadder;

            if (!pc2d.isAttachedToLadder)
                if (pc2d.canClimbLadder)

                    if ((lastAttachedLadder != pc2d.currentLadder || encounteredLadders > 1) && !statePause)
                        if (Random.Range(-10, 10) > 0)
                            if (pc2d.canGoDownOnLadder)
                                StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.GoingDownLadder, true));
                                StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.GoinUPLadder, true));
                encounteredLadders = 0;
                lastAttachedLadder = pc2d.currentLadder;

        trVelocity = ((t.position - previousPos).magnitude) / Time.deltaTime;
        previousPos = t.position;

        if (trVelocity < 0.01f && !statePause)
            timeMotionless += Time.deltaTime;

            if (timeMotionless > 0.5f)
                StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Idle, true));
            timeMotionless = 0;

        //Detect and attack enemy players
        detectedPlayers = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(t.position, cameraWidth, playerLayerMask);

        if (!enemyToFollow)
            if (!runAway)
                if (previousDetectedPlayers.Length != detectedPlayers.Length || (previousDetectedPlayers.Length > 0 && detectedPlayers.Length > 0 && previousDetectedPlayers[0] != detectedPlayers[0]))
                    previousDetectedPlayers = detectedPlayers;

                    for (int i = 0; i < detectedPlayers.Length; i++)
                        BotController2D bcTmp = detectedPlayers[i].GetComponent<BotController2D>();
                        PlayerController2D pc2dTmp = null;
                        if (!bcTmp)
                            pc2dTmp = detectedPlayers[i].GetComponent<PlayerController2D>();
                        if ((pc2dTmp && botType == BotType.Enemy) || (bcTmp && bcTmp.botType != botType))
                            Vector3 enemyPos = bcTmp ? bcTmp.t.position : pc2dTmp.t.position;
                            float yDistance = Mathf.Abs(enemyPos.y - t.position.y);
                            if (yDistance < pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2)
                                if (!enemyToFollow || Mathf.Abs(enemyPos.x - t.position.x) < Mathf.Abs(enemyToFollow.t.position.x - t.position.x))
                                    enemyToFollow = bcTmp ? bcTmp.pc2d : pc2dTmp;
                                    appliedState = InitialState.Explore;

            float yDistance = enemyToFollow.t.position.y - t.position.y;
            float xDistance = enemyToFollow.t.position.x - t.position.x;
            if (Mathf.Abs(yDistance) >= pc2d.playerDimensions.y * 2 || Mathf.Abs(xDistance) > cameraWidth || !enemyToFollow.enabled)
                enemyToFollow = null;
                if (Mathf.Abs(xDistance) > pc2d.playerDimensions.x * 1.45f)
                    if (!statePause && pc2d.botVerticalMovement == 0)
                        if (xDistance > 0)
                            if (currentState != CurrentState.MovingRight)
                                statePauseCoroutine = StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.MovingRight, false));
                        else if (xDistance < 0)
                            if (currentState != CurrentState.MovingLeft)
                                statePauseCoroutine = StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.MovingLeft, false));
                    if (pc2d.botVerticalMovement == 0)
                        if (currentState != CurrentState.Attack)
                            if (!statePause)
                                statePauseCoroutine = StartCoroutine(StatePause(CurrentState.Attack, true));
                            if (Mathf.Abs(xDistance) < pc2d.playerDimensions.x / 3 && !checkingTotalEnemies)
                                //print("Enemies are too close!!!");
                                StartCoroutine(CheckEnemiesEnumerator(attackingFromLeft, attackingFromRight, true));

    Coroutine statePauseCoroutine = null;

    void StopPauseCoroutine()
        if (statePauseCoroutine != null)
            statePauseCoroutine = null;
            statePause = false;

    IEnumerator StatePause(CurrentState newState, bool stopMovement)
        //print("State pause");
        statePause = true;
        if (stopMovement)
            pc2d.botMovement = 0;
            pc2d.botVerticalMovement = 0;
        currentState = newState;

        if (newState == CurrentState.Attack && botDifficulty == BotDifficulty.Hard)
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.15f, 0.45f));
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.45f, 0.75f));

        statePause = false;

    IEnumerator DoJump()
        //print("Do jump");
        statePause = true;
        pc2d.botJump = true;

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.65f);

        statePause = false;

    IEnumerator CheckEnemiesEnumerator(int attackingFromLeft, int attackingFromRight, bool doNotRunAway)
        checkingTotalEnemies = true;

        //print("CHECKING FOR TOTAL ENEMIES");

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.27f, 0.75f));

        if (Random.Range(-10, 10) > 0)
            runAway = true;
            enemyToFollow = null;

            if (attackingFromLeft > attackingFromRight)
                currentState = CurrentState.MovingRight;
                currentState = CurrentState.MovingLeft;

        checkingTotalEnemies = false;

        if (runAway)
            if (doNotRunAway)
                //Simply walk away a bit
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.37f, 0.75f));
                //Run away
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(1.57f, 2.45f));

            runAway = false;

    public static Vector2 ColliderDimensions(Collider2D sp)
        return new Vector2(sp.bounds.max.x - sp.bounds.min.x, sp.bounds.max.y - sp.bounds.min.y);

Pasul 2: Configurați jucătorul și inamicii

Acum este timpul să configuram jucătorul nostru și AI inamic folosind scripturile de mai sus.

Configurarea instanței noastre Player

  • Creați un nou GameObject și denumiți-l "Player"
  • Schimbați eticheta acelui obiect în "Player"
  • Schimbați stratul obiectului la 8 (dacă nu există un Layer 8 în selecție, adăugați unul făcând clic pe Adăugare strat..., numiți-l "Player")
  • Creați un alt GameObject, numiți-l "Body" și adăugați o componentă SpriteRenderer
  • Atribuiți-vă playerul Sprite unui "Body" și mutați-l în interiorul obiectului "Player"
  • Selectați obiectul "Player" și adăugați componente CapsuleCollider2D, Rigidbody2D și PlayerController2D
  • Scalați CapsuleCollider2D până se potrivește cu playerul Sprite

După cum puteți vedea, PlayerController2D are câteva variabile, cele mai multe dintre ele se explică de la sine, totuși, una dintre ele are nevoie de câteva explicații:

PlayerHP - această valoare este folosită în BotController2D pentru a decide dacă AI-ul ar trebui să fugă atunci când HP este prea scăzut.

Utilizați variabila PlayerHP când implementați funcția de atac (Verificați void Attack() la sfârșitul scriptului PlayerController2D.cs).

Configurarea camerei playerului

  • Selectați Camera principală și adăugați componenta CameraFollow2D
  • Atribuiți jucătorul variabilei țintă
  • Opțional, puteți modifica variabila Offset (dacă nu doriți ca camera să fie centrată exact în mijloc)

Amenajarea unei scări

PlayerController2D acceptă, de asemenea, scări care se pot urca.

Configurarea unei noi scări este foarte ușoară:

  • Creați un nou GameObject și apelați-l "Ladder"
  • Schimbați-i stratul în "IgnoreRaycast"
  • Creați un alt obiect de joc cu un SpriteRenderer și atribuiți un sprite din scara dvs. și mutați-l în interiorul obiectului Ladder
  • Adăugați componente BoxCollider2D și Ladder2D la obiectul "Ladder"
  • Scalați dimensiunile coliderului pentru a se potrivi cu scara Sprite și marcați-l ca Trigger

Configurarea AI inamicului

  • Mai întâi, accesați panoul Physics2D și dezactivați o coliziune între stratul Player, astfel încât roboții și jucătorii să nu fie blocați unul între altul.

  • Duplicați instanța Player
  • Adăugați o componentă BotController2D
  • Botul este acum gata

Proprietăți 2D Bot AI

Verificați videoclipul de mai jos pentru a vedea IA inamicului în acțiune (Instanțele albe este jucătorul nostru, instanțele roșii sunt controlate de AI):

Sharp Coder Video player

📁2DEnemyAI.unitypackage40.49 KB
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