Cum să adăugați suport pentru platforma în mișcare la controlerul de caractere în Unity
Acest tutorial va arăta cum să adăugați un suport de platformă mobilă pentru CharacterController în Unity.
Deci, să începem!
- Puneți Character Controller în scenă
- Creați un nou script, numiți-l "SC_MovingPlatform" și inserați codul de mai jos în el:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SC_MovingPlatform : MonoBehaviour
public Transform activePlatform;
CharacterController controller;
Vector3 moveDirection;
Vector3 activeGlobalPlatformPoint;
Vector3 activeLocalPlatformPoint;
Quaternion activeGlobalPlatformRotation;
Quaternion activeLocalPlatformRotation;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (activePlatform != null)
Vector3 newGlobalPlatformPoint = activePlatform.TransformPoint(activeLocalPlatformPoint);
moveDirection = newGlobalPlatformPoint - activeGlobalPlatformPoint;
if (moveDirection.magnitude > 0.01f)
if (activePlatform)
// Support moving platform rotation
Quaternion newGlobalPlatformRotation = activePlatform.rotation * activeLocalPlatformRotation;
Quaternion rotationDiff = newGlobalPlatformRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(activeGlobalPlatformRotation);
// Prevent rotation of the local up vector
rotationDiff = Quaternion.FromToRotation(rotationDiff * Vector3.up, Vector3.up) * rotationDiff;
transform.rotation = rotationDiff * transform.rotation;
transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);
if (moveDirection.magnitude > 0.01f)
moveDirection = Vector3.Lerp(moveDirection,, Time.deltaTime);
void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit)
// Make sure we are really standing on a straight platform *NEW*
// Not on the underside of one and not falling down from it either!
if (hit.moveDirection.y < -0.9 && hit.normal.y > 0.41)
if (activePlatform != hit.collider.transform)
activePlatform = hit.collider.transform;
activePlatform = null;
void UpdateMovingPlatform()
activeGlobalPlatformPoint = transform.position;
activeLocalPlatformPoint = activePlatform.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position);
// Support moving platform rotation
activeGlobalPlatformRotation = transform.rotation;
activeLocalPlatformRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(activePlatform.rotation) * transform.rotation;
- Atașați scriptul SC_MovingPlatform la obiect cu componenta Character Controller
Suportul platformei mobile este acum gata: